
Meet Hiromi from JPort by SPeak corp.

Hello everyone, this is JPort Student Support Team. We are going to introduce our team of JPort, Japan's Port, for young global students in Japan striving to make Borderless 就活 = Borderless Japan. JPort is a brand by SPeak corporation, a D&I start-up, from Japan. Our 1st member of this series is JPort's founder and CEO Hiromi Karahashi!



Can you talk a little bit about yourself?

Hi everyone, my name is Hiromi Karahashi. Just call me Hiromi.
My life has changed dramatically after deciding to get out of Japan at the age of 16 to study in the US. Now, I have a beautiful wife, a foreign national, and
3 beautiful children.

In the US, I went to a high school in Vermont and a university in NYC. My life started to change after meeting various friends from different backgrounds from all over the world. Diversity saved my life because my life back in Japan was dark. How I see the world became colorful during my
8 years on foreign soil.




Why I started JPort

Back in college, I always thought to myself how Japan can become another melting pot for young people from all over the world, but starting up a business wasn't even in my head.

After working at a global company in Japan for some years,
I went to the MBA program at Keio University and started to think "What do I wanna do with my life?" while my wife,
a foreign national, was pregnant with our third child.

Then, the awakening and colorful moments of diversity all came back to me. So I started to talk to numerous global students and companies in Japan and learned that there is way too many "lost-in-translation" kind of pains around the global people in Japan when it's the 21st century.

So finally, I said to myself.
"This is what I wanna change. what I gotta do in my life."

Borderless Japan with
JPort "Japan's Port"







Borderless Japan with
JPort "Japan's Port"

What is your position within the JPort?

I am the founder and CEO of JPort powered by SPeak.
I do almost everything, students support, fund-raising, sales, HR, marketing, and etc. We are a start-up. But thanks to proactive teammates, interns, ambassadors, and all the contributors, we are capable of bringing value and keep improving to support young global students in Japan.

P.S., We are hiring ;)



P.S. メンバーを積極採用中です w

How is JPort different from other job-hunting services?

JPort is a service "of the students, by the students, for the students".

JPort is a community-based platform to encourage and support global students' job hunting in Japan. Existing job-hunting services put more emphasis on the client side's needs instead of what students truly need.

We at JPort will always be on the students' side and improve for the student users.

That is what makes JPort different.






Message for Global Students in Japan

You are all challengers.

Some of you are living on foreign soil a thousand miles away from home. Others may be often labeled as "different" because of their background.

Over the past few years, I’ve had the privilege to do career consultation with hundreds of students and encountered students who got lost in 就活, because they felt helpless being alone or losing identity/confidence.
Some cried, some lost motivation, some overcame.

Without a doubt, respecting local culture/ mastering the language is essential
to enjoy life in a foreign country, yet becoming too “Japanese” is gonna
kill your identity and uniqueness as a talent especially in 就活.

Be proactive, Do something unique, Stand out.
Believe it or not, many want to hire person like that as a new graduate.










